Celebrating Gifting Kidneys: An Instant Amazon Top New Release and #3 Best Seller

The recent release of Gifting Kidneys: The Master Guide to Living Kidney Donation has not only touched the hearts of readers but has also achieved remarkable recognition as an instant Amazon Top New Release and #3 Best Seller in transplant books

Organ donation is a profoundly selfless act that can transform lives in the most incredible ways, offering hope and a second chance at life to those suffering from kidney failure. In the United States alone, over one million organ transplants have taken place, with kidneys being the most commonly transplanted organ.

Yet, despite these awe-inspiring numbers, kidney disease remains a pressing public health concern, affecting one in seven Americans to varying degrees. Kidney failure ranks among the leading causes of death worldwide, primarily driven by the increasing prevalence of high blood pressure and diabetes.

The shortage of deceased donor organs cannot meet the growing demand, resulting in a national waitlist of over 90,000 individuals, adding a new name every 14 minutes, with no available kidney for them. This leads to wait times stretching from 3 to 10 years in some regions, exacerbating the health challenges and diminishing the quality of life for those affected.

For individuals facing kidney failure, dialysis prolongs life but cannot replicate all the functions of healthy kidneys. This often means that individuals on dialysis find it challenging to lead normal lives, and their life expectancy is shorter than those who receive a kidney transplant. Tragically, approximately 17 people pass away every day while on dialysis and waiting for a kidney transplant, underscoring the critical importance of organ donation.

The urgency of the need for kidneys has led to a growing reliance on living kidney donors. Increasingly, about 6,000 healthy adults selflessly donate their kidneys to help family members, friends, or even complete strangers. However, despite their incredible acts of kindness, the shortage of living kidney donors persists.

This is where Gifting Kidneys is set to make an impact. Compiled information from transplant authorities and the personal experiences of kidney donors, this comprehensive guide provides readers with detailed, easy-to-understand information about living kidney donation. It answers common questions about kidneys and kidney disease, donor eligibility, the donation process, compatibility between donors and recipients, risks involved, financial and emotional aspects, pre-surgery preparation, post-surgery recovery, and how to maintain good health with one kidney.

Gifting Kidneys is a valuable resource for both past and future kidney donors, as well as recipients, their families, and friends. It provides the information needed to feel comfortable and confident discussing this delicate topic with others and offers a straightforward resource to share with anyone interested in further exploring kidney donation. Ultimately, this guide serves as a catalyst for open and informed communication, fosters empathy and understanding, and inspires hope for a brighter future.

“As someone who has personally experienced the need for a kidney donor, I cannot recommend this book enough. It’s an incredible informative and insightful guide that sheds light on the process of kidney donation. A wonderful job of explaining the medical and emotional factors that potential donors should be aware of. It’s a much-needed resource that can provide clarity and reassurance during what can be an emotional challenging journey.”

Marc Coronel, Living Donor Kidney Recipient, 2019

Gifting Kidneys is available on Amazon in print and digital formats.

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